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For the latest episode of this bonus series of the property investing journey, Mike is joined once again by Co-Founder and Managing Director of Chamberlain Brown Property Acquisitions, to talk about setting a negotiation strategy, and the steps you need to follow to optimise your purchasing position.

Running a full service Buyer’s Agency, Matt has extensive experience in negotiating on behalf of investors and home buyers alike. As such, he knows exactly what to look for and the type of questions to ask when dealing with vendors and their agents.

In this conversation, Matt and Mike detail the four steps to work through when you’re planning and executing your negotiation strategy. Covering topics such as understanding the market and the vendor’s motivation, they also dig deeper to talk about the selling agent’s motivation and how you can negotiate on terms to facilitate a better position on price.

What better way to set yourself for a successful acquisition then to have the inside knowledge from an experienced Buyer’s Agent? Of course you want to be working with a professional team, but the helpful tips and secrets in this episode will get you started in the right direction. Essential listening for all prospective property purchasers.

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Podcast Transcript

Mike is joined once again by Co-Founder and Managing Director of Chamberlain Brown Property Acquisitions, to talk about setting a negotiation strategy, and the steps you need to follow to optimise your purchasing position. In this conversation, Matt and Mike detail the four steps to work through when you’re planning and executing your negotiation strategy.

What we cover in this episode

  • Focusing on negotiating in private treaty sales
  • Helping the buyer feel as comfortable as possible
  • The four parts of developing a negotiation strategy
  • How to determine how much competition there is for a property
  • The value of relationships in a negotiation
  • Understanding the motivation of the vendor
  • Matt’s secret sauce


“You want to develop a negotiation strategy yourself or follow a process so that you don’t get into a situation where you’re making a bit of a rash decision, maybe an emotional decision, that (for) some people can cost them tens of thousands of dollars” Matt 1:16

“The goal of asking the right questions to answer those first three points, to identify whether or not there’s a point of information that you can leverage which will result in a cheaper purchase price” Matt 5:44

“Every real estate agent in our experience operates their sales strategy and their negotiations in a slightly different way” Matt 7:08

“The next step to understanding buyer activity is asking the agent questions that will hopefully get you the answers on serious buyer interest” Matt 11:17

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