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For the latest episode of this bonus series of the property investing journey, Mike is joined by Dragan Dimovski, Founder and Exclusive Buyer’s Agent with Buyer’s Agency Australia. Dragan specialises in off market and positively geared property investment and is perfectly placed to share his secrets on creating positive cashflow to optimise your portfolio.

Having started investing in negatively geared properties in his early 20’s, Dragan quickly realised that there was a ceiling on the number of properties he could purchase as he maxed out his serviceability. He looked to other successful investors and invested in his own education, and began to understand the appeal of creating positive cashflow.

Mike delves into Dragan’s views on balancing yield producing assets with properties that might produce higher growth in the longer term. Dragan goes on to explain how building a solid foundation of cashflow enabled him to get to a position of having more options and looking further afield for his investments.

With clear examples and practical tips, Mike and Dragan discuss what a typical investment grade property might look like, and the strategies that Dragan recommends for his clients as well as some of the key things that he looks for in greenlighting a particular area.

If you’re tired of being out of pocket on your investments and wondering how to exponentially grow your portfolio, you’re sure to get some great advice from Mike and Dragan’s conversation.

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Podcast Transcript

Mike is joined by Dragan Dimovski, Founder and Exclusive Buyer’s Agent with Buyer’s Agency Australia. Dragan specialises in off market and positively geared property investment and is perfectly placed to share his secrets on creating positive cashflow to optimise your portfolio. Dragan goes on to explain how building a solid foundation of cashflow enabled him to get to a position of having more options and looking further afield for his investments.

What we cover in this episode

  • How to purchase properties that are positively geared
  • The problem with negative gearing
  • The balance between cashflow and capital growth
  • Dragan’s typical investment grade property
  • Strategies to deal with properties that are negatively geared
  • The key drivers to look for in your search for positive cashflow
  • The common mistakes investors make
  • Dragan’s top tips


“I started educating myself. I went to a few extra seminars, I started talking to other property investors within the network, read a lot of books, and it sort of drove me and narrowed the selection right down to purchasing houses” Dragan 4:16

“The best way to do this, and to move forward, is actually adding more money to your income then going backwards” Dragan 5;25

“At the beginning, I believe you should get several properties that are positive geared, and then you’ve got the option to balance it out with something that’s in a better growth area” Dragan 6:56

“Also look at the history or whatever the vacancy rate is. Most of my properties that I purchased for clients are all under 1% vacancy rates” Dragan 14:20


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