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For the latest episode of this bonus series of the property investing journey, Mike is joined by buyer’s agent Rhiannon Jenkins to talk through the process of purchasing a property, and what are the tips and tricks for getting the transaction done.

As an agent with Buyer’s Domain, Rhiannon understands the challenges facing her clients when it comes to buying property. Having worked with clients at all different stages of the process, Rhiannon knows what steps to take for an experienced investor, as well as guiding someone who is just getting started on their journey.

In this conversation, Rhiannon and Mark delve into the purchasing process, and identify the value that an experienced Buyer’s Agent can bring to the table. They cover such topics as needs vs wants in an investment scenario, the minimum criteria that a buyer should be considering when pinpointing their property, and the importance of the relationship with the sales agent.

Finally Rhiannon shares her top tips for finalising a purchase and what to do if you’re feeling nervous about closing such a significant deal.

If you’re considering making a property purchase and don’t know where to start, or even if you’re been doing this a while and are looking to hone your skills, then this podcast is for you.

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Podcast Transcript

Mike is joined by buyer’s agent Rhiannon Jenkins to talk through the process of purchasing a property, and what are the tips and tricks for getting the transaction done. As an agent with Buyer’s Domain, Rhiannon understands the challenges facing her clients when it comes to buying property.

What we cover in this episode

  • Starting with a buyer brief
  • Understanding the buyer’s minimum criteria
  • The rookie errors that buyers make
  • Identifying a mismatch between a buyer’s requirements and current supply
  • Making the unknowns known
  • Rhiannon’s top three tips for getting the transaction done


“Sometimes they say I really like this and that’s great, that’s what they like, but what do they actually need and require in a property as well, are a bit of a different conversation” Rhiannon 2:29

“There’s a variety of different clients, some will really have a clear picture of what they want and what they require and others are starting from scratch and need a bit of help fleshing that out” Rhiannon 4:04

“A lot of buyers maybe just find a property themselves and then work backwards of what’s required, but with our experience we know the order of events that we need to work towards and we take the buyer along that process with us” Rhiannon 6:17

“Timing is super important so if you understand what the steps are involved up front you can get ready very early on” Rhiannon 8:47

“I would ask you know what about that process, what about that property, makes you nervous and pinpointing that, because chances are there is somebody who could help you with that particular element” Rhiannon 16:35

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