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For the latest episode of this bonus series of the property investing journey, Mike is joined by Timothy Brown, Property Investor, Buyer’s Agent and Director of The Charleston Group. In this conversation, Tim shares his passion for building wealth through investing in property and explains how his background in the military prepared him with the attributes he needed to thrive in real estate.

Timothy recognised from an early age that he wasn’t prepared to work for someone else until 65 and then depend on superannuation in retirement. He knew he needed a plan to build passive income, a strategy that was going to escalate the average wage he was earning as a soldier in the Australian Army.

He learned that property is a great vehicle for building wealth and applied the discipline and planning skills he honed in the military to his own investments. With experience gained through developing his own multi-million dollar portfolio, Timothy is passionate about helping everyday Australians invest for the future and set themselves up for an independent retirement.

In this episode, Mike and Timothy discuss the strategy and planning required to get from one investment property to building a diverse portfolio, something many investors never achieve. They talk about the merits of delayed gratification and Timothy’s tactic for taking the emotion out of the buying process.

This podcast is a thought-provoking conversation aimed at providing access to wealth creation for every investor, regardless of background or current circumstances. Timothy shares his secrets in a down-to-earth, practical discussion which is sure to inspire.

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Podcast Transcript

Mike is joined by Timothy Brown, Property Investor, Buyer’s Agent and Director of The Charleston Group. In this conversation, Tim shares his passion for building wealth through investing in property and explains how his background in the military prepared him with the attributes he needed to thrive in real estate.

What we cover in this episode

  • Using property to create passive income
  • Saving a deposit on a modest income
  • Getting started when you don’t know where to begin
  • Discipline is where freedom comes from
  • The payoff of delayed gratification
  • The saving strategy that helped Tim build his portfolio


“I was trying to rack my brain of how do I do something different that can support myself to build a life that I want for my family and the people around me where I’m not a slave to the income, I’m not attached to earning income. How do I create passive income” Tim 3:20

“People just go to work nine to five, this kind of excitement during the weekend and then people crash in their moods during the week as most people don’t like their jobs and I was really thinking about that deeply and I thought this is wrong” Tim 5:41

“I knew that my money could work for me in different places and being a burden to me, a liability to me, so that was the kind of mindset, that I need money to work for me, not me work for money” Tim 7:44

“I’m a very big believer in failing ’cause it makes you learn so I was trying to be really conscious and absorb everybody else’s failures so as much as I was looking through content of success, how to be successful, I’m also looking at where do people stuff up, where do people go wrong” Tim 30:15

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